In response to the growing interest in energy healing and with more practitioners available to work with these modalities, more people are seeking a better understanding of these methods.
The Reiki Method is currently the most popular and respected energy healing method used in hospitals and medical facilities throughout the United States and the world. While individual facilities have conducted their own studies to track the effectiveness and validity of Reiki, there has been no visible understanding of how it works.
After a near death experience in 1971, Karin Nemri became interested in energy healing. Working as a hospice volunteer and remembering the transition that she had from this world into the next, and then back again, she was able to understand that there are many things going on around us that we just don't see in the physical world.
Reiki practitioners are taught the physical mechanics of the method, but what is happening in the Spiritual Realm, which is invisible to the human eye, is what makes the method work. Karin has been blessed with a way to show people what is normally unseen, to give them a concrete way to have a spiritual understanding of healing. She allows not only clients, but practitioners as well, to see how teams of healers from the Spiritual Realm work in unison with the healers in the physical world.
In a format aimed at medical professionals, Karin Nemri will give your staff or group a unique learning experience.